We invest in families at Bedrock Roanoke. Our desire is to partner with families and help encourage, teach, and train both parents and students! We don’t want to be social planners, we want to be partners with you as you raise your students in the Gospel.
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The Porch: Wednesday Evenings
6th - 12th grade
6:15 - 8:15 p.m.
1030 Mecca Street NE
What We Do
We want your students to feel at home and we want to challenge them by:
- Leading students to personally experience God
- Living life together through retreats , camps. and service projects
- Engaging the world through service
- Partnering with parents to teach, train, and encourage students to grow in their personal faith in Christ.
- Encouraging Students to get involved in the church as a whole
Your students will experience heartfelt worship, good friends, and a refreshing look into God’s Word in a comfortable, casual setting at Bedrock.
We believe in reaching our city for Christ and we provide opportunities not just to come to church, but be the church!
Bring your friends! We would love the chance to get to know who you hang out with, so invite them to come with you to The Porch on Wednesday or to church on Sunday!
Pray for Me Campaign
Most of our churches have created silos divided by age. The generations are disconnected, people feel undervalued, and we’re far from unified. We want Bedrock Roanoke to be unified, but first, we need a way to connect the generations. The Pray for Me Campaign links the generations in our church community through prayer. During the campaign, students invite believers from multiple generations to pray for one year through the Pray for Me Prayer Guide.
How you can get involved!
Become a Prayer Champion simply by clicking the link below. Fill out the form and we will provide you with a Pray for Me Prayer Guide and a students contact info!
What are the expectations?
Prayer of course! We are asking you to pray every day for your student for a year! Connect with them! Send a text, attend our Pray for Me event (date TBD), leave their favorite snack at the quarry on Wednesday. Take this seriously. We have all be guilty of saying "I'll be praying!" only to forget to pray. We believe that this campaign has the potential to radically change lives and we ask you to take it seriously.
How you can get involved!
Become a Prayer Champion simply by clicking the link below. Fill out the form and we will provide you with a Pray for Me Prayer Guide and a students contact info!
What are the expectations?
Prayer of course! We are asking you to pray every day for your student for a year! Connect with them! Send a text, attend our Pray for Me event (date TBD), leave their favorite snack at the quarry on Wednesday. Take this seriously. We have all be guilty of saying "I'll be praying!" only to forget to pray. We believe that this campaign has the potential to radically change lives and we ask you to take it seriously.