Mission & Vision


Our Mission, Vision and Values

We are not interested in programs and buildings, our mission is that people…

Worship | UP
Jesus is our savior, our example, and our motivation. We desire to walk with him, rest in him, and know him intimately both individually and as a church family.

Care for each other | IN
We weren’t made to walk through life alone. Our desire is that every believer at Bedrock Roanoke know that we are in this together. Through accountability and encouragement we want believers to grow and mature in their walk with Jesus.

Be Intentionally Missional | OUT
We want to be consumed with a desire to see people far from God raised to life in Jesus. We don’t exist to build our own Kingdom, but to see God’s kingdom grow by engaging our neighbors, our city, our country, and the world with the hope of Jesus.

Bedrock Church Roanoke exists to worship Jesus, see believers grow in their faith, and reach their neighborhoods, their city, and their world with the hope of Jesus.

Our Neighborhood
We can love our neighbors because Jesus loved us first. Because of that, we desire to make an impact for the Gospel in the neighborhoods.

Our City
Roanoke is our home. Our desire to saturate it with the Hope of Jesus! We work intentionally in our city to make a difference and reach others with the Gospel.

Our World
Our world is looking for a reason to hope and we believe that Jesus is that hope. We purposefully work with long-term missionaries and pastors around the world to reach people with the good news of Jesus.

These are the values that make us who we are.

The Word

At Bedrock we highly value the Word of God because it has the power to change men’s hearts and lives for eternity. There are no errors in it, no equals to it, and no substitutes for it. It is with humble hearts that we seek to accurately proclaim what God has said in His Word in a way that is relevant and applicable to our lives.


God Himself, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, functions as One, and expects the Body of Christ to do the same. From preparing and preaching sermons, leading music, partnering with other local churches, and leading groups of students and kids, the concept of “team” permeates all that we do at Bedrock.


We were not created to “do” life alone. We are meant to laugh, cry, talk, serve, eat, study, grow, learn, and worship TOGETHER.  At Bedrock we experience life with one another in Life  Groups— small gatherings throughout the week—where we can sit in a circle rather than a row, ask questions, study God’s word, be inspired, pray, serve, and just be together.


Jesus came, not to be served, but to serve…”, Mark 10:45. As His followers, we simply desire to do what He did. Whether around the world or across the street, the family of Bedrock seeks opportunities to serve others. We desire to meet people’s physical needs, and to begin conversations that introduce them to Jesus, who can meet their spiritual needs.