Tired of the same Christian songs on the radio?
At Bedrock Roanoke we believe in equipping the body of Christ! We want to provide you an option other than just the radio to listen to authentic worship songs that speak biblical truth to you throughout the week. Check out our playlists on Spotify for whatever season you are in.

Our Bedrock Roanoke, Take Sunday With You Playlist, has more than 150 worship songs in it. This playlist is meant for Monday through Saturday. For the Wednesday afternoon drive home when you just need to fill your car with the sound of worship.

At Bedrock we believe in equipping believers for the work of the gospel. The Bedrock Roanoke Kidsrock playlist helps parents equip their kids with good songs that teach theology and fill their ears and minds with good things from scripture.

Our Bedrock Roanoke, Psalms To Go By Playlist, is what it says....Psalms. This playlist consists of worship songs that are straight out of the book of psalms.

Our Bedrock Roanoke Christmas Playlist offers more than just your standard Christmas Carols. Here you will find worshipful Christmas Carols and songs centered around Christ, who is the reason for Christmas.