The 7 Marks Snapshot Survey
Spiritual maturity is an impossible thing to measure. Only God knows what’s really in our hearts. But we also know that certain characteristics are produced when someone is growing in relationship with Christ. The 7 Marks snapshot is designed to give you a look at your own attitudes, habits, and tendencies alongside the New Testament’s descriptions of spiritual maturity. It will help you better discern your current discipleship strengths and weaknesses. Download a copy below, fill it out, and scan the QR code to lest us know your results.

A Disciple...
Mark 1: Finds their Identity in Christ
One of the most important questions we can ever answer about ourselves is "Who Am I?" Your identity–what you believe to be most true about you–is fundamental to who you are and how you understand your purpose and place in this world. But where does identity come from? Or, more specifically, where does your identity come from? When you trust in Jesus and his work you are given a new identity (Ephesians 2). You are adopted, forgiven, and sealed in Christ (Ephesians 1). You no longer have to root your identity in what you do, what you have accomplished, or where you come from. You are His masterpiece and you have great purpose (Ephesians 2:10).
Practice this.
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 1 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple...
Mark 2: Pursues the Lifestyle of Jesus
There is no denying that Jesus is our savior. His finished work on the cross and in the resurrection are our only way to God the Father (John 14:6), yet Jesus' life was lived in a way which we can emulate and reflect today (Ephesians 5:1-2). A disciple of Jesus seeks to live in surrender and obedience to righteousness because of the grace given by God in Christ. (Romans 6:1-14). Our lives should look more and more like His as we develop habits and disciplines that reflect his goodness and his good work in our hearts. (Romans 8:29).
Practice this
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 2 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple...
Mark 3: Responds to the Holy Spirit
Jesus told us that we would send the "Helper" to guide us into all truth. The Helper takes up residence in our hearts when we become followers of Jesus and quickens our hearts so that we may be able to discern what the will of God is. He confirms that we have been adopted into God's family (Romans 8:16). He gives us gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:4-11), and He produces fruit in our lives as we walk in step with Him (Galatians 5:22-23). Disciples can distinguish his voice from all others and learn to trust and obey as He works for make us like Jesus.
Practicing this
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 3 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple...
Mark 4: Engages in Biblical Community
No man is an island and we were created to live in true, authentic community with one another (Hebrews 10:23-25). Biblical Community is just that. It's what Jesus left us with, each other. We believe that Biblical Community brings proximity (Proverbs 27:17), humility (Philippians 2:3-4), vulnerability (James 5:16), accountability (Galatians 6:1-2, Hebrews 3:12-14) and a testimony (John 17:20-23). We are better together and a disciple desires to develop deep lasting relationships where followers of Jesus are encouraged, edified, and equipped for the work of the ministry.
Practicing this
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 4 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple
Mark 5: Serves Others
Jesus came not be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). As follows of Jesus our lives should reflect that in real and tangible ways (I Peter 4:7-10). As we come to know Jesus more intimately our focus shifts from ourselves to those around us (Philippians 2:2-4) and the freedom we find in Jesus is to be used to serve others out of love (Galatians 5:13-15). Serving others can come in many different ways, from being a listening ear to sharing the Good News in other countries. We are called to serve wherever we find ourselves and reflect Jesus well.
Practicing This
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 5 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple
Mark 6: Proclaims Jesus
As disciples we are called to be ambassadors for Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17-21), actively sharing our faith in the community (1 Thess. 1:8). Following Christ makes us “fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). Just as Jesus put on flesh to enter our world (John 1:14), we make the Gospel tangible to those around around us by the witness of both our words and our actions. In obedience to Jesus commission (Matt. 28:19-20) and in the power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8), we earnestly proclaim Jesus and His work so that others might come to know Him as we do.
Practicing This
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 6 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.

A Disciple...
Mark 7: Makes Disciples
Our job isn't over at proclamation. When someone comes to Jesus, that's just the beginning! Jesus last words to his disciples explained that making disciples involved teaching believers to understand, obey, and stay rooted in Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20). Paul echoes this in his prayer over the disciples in Colossae (Colossians 1:9-12). A disciple understands that we are called to help others learn, understand, obey, and live out their new life in Christ.
Practicing This
Our desire is to equip you to begin to understand, practice, develop and own each Mark in your everyday life. Below you’ll find the homework for Mark 7 including any videos, links, or handouts needed to complete it. If you have any questions or issues contact us.